25 maart 2020

VRT Sandbox Sessions Live

13u00 - 14u00

How do you survive this Corona crisis when you run a media-startup or scalup? What do you do when plans that you’ve worked on for months, fall into the water? How do you cope, and how do you find new challenges?

These entrepreneurs are willing to share their stories:


>Kiswe and Sceenic were one of the happy few to show off their innovative solutions during the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest. But then the show got canceled…

How do they find new opportunities? With Egon Verharen from NPO, Jorre Belpaire from Kiswe Mobile and Paul Bojarski from Sceenic.


>Kasper Vancoppenolle from WinWinner was one of the first last week, to give an overview of all offers he could find online that can help small and medium businesses. What can we learn from him?