Traditional advertising is not effective anymore. Consumers are frustrated and do not engage with ads and do anything possible to avoid them (skip, forward, block). Media companies complain about strongly reduced ad-revenue.
Conversion, click-through is at a record low (below 1%). Advertisers and media companies use new tricks (ad-tech, unskippable ads, ad-blocker-blockers) which just raises the frustration level of consumers…
Tripletwin introduces the Trimiday app – short for ‘3 minutes per day’.
Consumers engage with relevant commercial messages outside their media time, for (on average) 3 minutes a day.
Brands can easily reach consumers on the most relevant screen, the smartphone, and enjoy dedicated attention and high conversion.
In return for their attention, engagement and personal data, the Trimiday users get access to premium, ad-free media content, paid for by Trimiday. Media content creators get a new revenue source.